Funeral Arrangements

The Precious Peace Arrangement
$179.95 $179.95

td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}The Precious Peace Arrangement is a..

The Rainbow bouquet

This bouquet is simply beautiful with it's ginger flowers, it's orange lilies, blue delphiniums and ..

The Simply Restful Arrangement

Pink and white lilies, larkspur, snapdragons, and lisianthus are arranged in a graceful display. The..

The sincere sympathy bouquet

To offer all your sympathy with delicacy ,this elegant arrangement with red ginger, red gerberas , w..

The South Bouquet

Whether to celebrate a birthday or to say I love you in different ways, this arrangement with a trop..

The sparkle spray

To offer your sympathies when you can not be there or if you are too far away, this arrangement of f..

The standing spray Absolute Purity

This flower arrangement is perfect to offer your sympathies, exquisite whiteness enhanced by beautif..

The standing spray Eternal Youth

This basket in perfect feminine shades is perfect to emphasize the memory of a woman who was simpl..

The Summer Garden Basket

A rattan basket filled with sumptuous yellow roses, bright white daisies and light pink heather. Thi..

The Tender Peace Bouquet
$149.95 $149.95

td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}The Tender Peace Bouquet is an eleg..

The unforgettable bouquet

Unforgettable basket: This magnificent arrangement consists of pink lilies, yellow Fudji, blue dendr..

The Virgin Mary Arrangement

Pour des condoléances plus que sincères offrez cette arrangement incluant une madone. Avec ces lys b..

Vivid Recollections

This glorious basket of beautiful blossoms will send hope and let those you care for know that grief..

Vivid Sentiments

Send this gorgeous red and white arrangement filled with carnations and chrysanthemums, and your sen..

Warm Thoughts Arrangement

This pastel arrangement will express your sympathy and lovingly show your warm thoughts...

Showing 61 to 75 of 76 (6 Pages)