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Too accompany the urn this wonderful arrangement will perfectly do a tribute to the loved one that ..
Rich red roses, white Asiatic lilies, pink mini carnations, burgundy mini carnations and lush greens..
The FTD Expressions of Love Bouquet is a representation of all the love and passion in your heart. R..
Perfect for any occasion, this luminous and colourful basket include yellow lilies, friendship roses..
An array of pink blooms artfully arranged is a celebration of life and a special memory...
In times of grief this gorgeous bouquet is ideal to express all your sympathy. It is arranged in a p..
Flowers in soft colors for your tender half ..
Offer your sympathy with distinction with this pink and white funeral basket. It will be sure to dra..
If wishes were flowers, they'd look like this: a gala of yellows, pinks, peaches and purples, with f..
Reach out to your friends and loved ones with this special greeting card...
Spring and Daffodils just naturally go together. These sunny harbingers will brighten the dreariest ..
A beautiful Casket Spray in warm reddish shades including Asiatic lilies, beautiful roses and eyelet..
Give this beautiful Quebec tribute to a true Quebec lover! This bouquet is perfect for any special o..
This lovely basket combines a yellow lily, yellow spray roses, yellow daisies and other bright sunsh..
Offer this magnificent vase containing the most beautiful flowers, such as; blue roses, white lilie..