Love and romance

The Expressions of Love Bouquet

The FTD Expressions of Love Bouquet is a representation of all the love and passion in your heart. R..

The Femininity Funeral Basket

Offer your sympathy with distinction with this pink and white funeral basket. It will be sure to dra..

The Flowers gently bouquet

A bouquet for a sweet and charming person that will put a cute smile on their face. ..

The FTD Anniversary Bouquet

The FTD Anniversary Bouquet is a wonderful way to celebrate your sweet affection for the love of you..

The fushia bouquet

Very pretty gerbera in different shades of fuschia that will make you smile every time! ..

The Garden Promenade

Give someone an enchanting journey through an English garden with a charmingly natural blend of flow..

The Happiness Bouquet

Warning! Gerbera Daisies may cause Happiness! This assortment of colorful Gerbera daisies is sure to..

The Head Over Heels

When you're head over heels in love, and nothing but the best will do, this appealing blend of pink ..

The heiress bouquet

Because in offering this beautiful bouquet of gerberas, roses, mini-roses and mini carnations ; inhe..

The in Love with Red Roses Bouquet

The FTD In Love with Red Roses Bouquet is the perfect way to capture their attention this Valentine'..

The Joy of Spring Basket

Send the Joys of Spring in this sweet birch bark basket. Fragrant bright blue hyacinth, pastel pink ..

The kiss sunset

Warmth radiates from this stunning assortment of orange and hot pink roses, artistically arranged in..

The Lasting Romance Bouquet

Rich red roses, burgundy mini carnations, Stargazer Lilies, pink Asiatic Lilies and lush greens are ..

The Lavender Phalaenopsis Orchid

This exquisite blooming orchid plant is great for "orchid plant beginners" and is a luxurious way to..

The Love In Bloom Bouquet

Soft cream roses, pink snapdragons and pink carnations are accented with seeded eucalyptus. All are ..

Showing 91 to 105 of 160 (11 Pages)