
The Flaming Red Casket Spray

A beautiful Casket Spray in warm reddish shades including Asiatic lilies, beautiful roses and eyelet..

The Fleur de Lys bouquet

Give this beautiful Quebec tribute to a true Quebec lover! This bouquet is perfect for any special o..

The Flower vase

Offer this magnificent vase containing the most beautiful flowers, such as; blue roses, white lilie..

The Forever Heart

Nice Funeral Arrangement all in white..

The FTD At Peace Arrangement

The asymmetrical arrangement is hand-arranged by a local FTD artisan florist and includes Dendrobium..

The FTD Beautiful Spirit Arrangement

A blushing display of pink roses, Asiatic lilies and Peruvian lilies are highlighted by stems of fuc..

The FTD Cherished Friend Bouquet

The FTD Cherished Friend Bouquet offers comfort and sympathy in the time of grief and loss. Bright w..

The FTD Enduring Peace Basket

White freesia pop against a bed of pink gerbera daisies, roses and mini carnations, gorgeously accen..

The FTD Eternal Affection Arrangement

The FTD Eternal Affection Arrangement is a peaceful offering of heartfelt sympathy. White gladiolus,..

The FTD Eternal Rest Standing Heart

Lavender roses, pink carnations, purple button poms, lavender chrysanthemums, pink gladiolus and pin..

The FTD Loveliness Arrangement

This colorful bouquet is handcrafted by a local FTD artisan florist of yellow and cream roses, fuchs..

The FTD Treasured Tribute Wreath

Bright white roses, Asiatic lilies, mini carnations and cushion poms are beautifully arranged to for..

The Glorious Garden Arrangement

This contemporary arrangement is composed of white miniature calla lilies, a white hydrangea and red..

The Immorta Casket Spray

Casket spray of carnations, pompons, liatris, and filler flowers in lavenders and purples...

The incomparable

If you are looking for an arrangement that is unusual, this arrangement is for you. A mixt of molluc..

Showing 76 to 90 of 131 (9 Pages)