
The intensity Bouquet

You want to stand out differently? This arrangement of fresh flowers in a clear vase is what you nee..

The Leaf and Petals Basket

Soft pink and lavender blooms are designed in an abundant display. Appropriate to send to the funera..

The Light In Your Honor Bouquet

A stunning bouquet of gorgeous Oriental lilies are accented with lush greens and seated in a clear g..

The Lilies and More  Bouquet

A bunch of lilies is a sophisticated gift that is appropriate for any occasion. This fragrant white ..

The Lilies casket spray

The Lily Casket Spray: With its pure white lilies, royal blue roses and delicate foliage, this gorge..

The Lovely Tribute Bouquet

Pink gladiolus, pale pink roses, bi-color pink roses, pink Asiatic lilies and an assortment of lush ..

The Loving Sympathy Arrangement

Pink lilies, larkspur, snapdragons, and heather are arranged in a splendid display. The arrangement ..

The Lovliness Casket Spray

Lavender roses and orchids are among the many glorious blooms used to create this casket spray to co..

The Meditation Arrangement

Express your sentiments of peace with this lovely pink arrangement, a natural mix of Carnations, Que..

The Memorial Arrangement

Lay this celestial white and blue floral arrangement with the urn. Composed of white roses and daisi..

The Morning Stars Arrangment

The Morning Stars Arrangment is a brilliant expression of peace and soft serenity. White roses, ca..

The Paradisiacal Flower Arrangement

This container dressed with beautiful birds of paradise, gerberas and dazzling orange colored flower..

The peaceful Rest

This is a soft casket spray composed with cream roses, yellow wax and of delightful greens from whic..

The Peaceful Tribute Casket Spray

This design is a delicate mix of roses in pastel shades. Appropriate to display on a casket...

The peppermint bouquet

These beautiful pink carnations surely remind you the famous little mints you like ... It will comfo..

Showing 91 to 105 of 131 (9 Pages)